











The Wall: Journal of Times reflects on mass media and its effects on one's cognition. It derives from the doubts and struggle I experienced as a student from China, where information on mass media is openly censored and controlled. Living in the US, where mass media are seemingly or believed to be free and independent from political interference, I strive to expose the contrary. This work was conceived and executed during the COVID-19 lockdown, comprising a wall installation and a book object. The time-based process is seen as a futile attempt to be in control of my perception on a yearlong quarantine.

Made with New York Times newspaper from March to December in 2020, The Wall: Journal of Times replaces the traditional photographic techniques with the act of carefully selecting, cutting, and collaging the collections of ready-made photography and titles. By deconstructing the linear and hierarchical printed newspapers into an installation with collage-like multidimensional form, with curated contents seemingly diverse and all-embracing as the technological utopianism. Walker Evans points out: “Photography is editing, editing after the taking.”

The installation is presented on the online viewing room by means of panoramic camera, as well as detailed pictures. I have planned the process since the beginning, on transforming the paper format into a 3D installation and back into a photo. I used to believe in old-school photography - only taking photos with cameras are real photography, but ever since I came to Calarts, my opinion has changed profoundly. David Campany argues: “We might say photograms are photographic without being photography. Suntans are photographic without being photography. Signaling a Morse code message with a flashlight is photographic without being photography. I think the term ‘photographic’ has come about to designate a whole range of important partial practices.”

Installation is photography - it’s still, direct, and it requires certain explanations. It is also not only photography, but also a series of material carriers of collective memory that we humans experience together.

“Memory is the great criterion of art……art is the mnemotechny of the beautiful.”, wrote by Charles Baudelaire in the ‘Salon of 1846’. “Collective Memory” is placed at the very heart of aesthetic philosophy. The evidence of this concept pervade throughout all of my creation. The term, according to the late sociologist Maurice Halbwachs, the memory of every individual is only unified and projected in a larger context of a group, such as a family, a lineage, a clan, or a nation, over time and space.

I always aspire to make something about the entire humanity. In my opinion, one individual is too tiny to matter, not only because of the huge number of the population of my country, or how we consider the aesthetic of collectivism, but also the powerless nature of humanity. The pandemic is a global tragedy that has impacted almost everyone. People died or suffered. We humankind have experienced this impact together, and it will be forever remembered. After months of silence, my creative process started. Hopefully in the future, when the historians look back at our century, trying to figure out what happened here that could change the global pattern, this work can be one of sources of their research.

The Wall: Journal of Times” is targeting to a wider audience, instead of a relatively smaller Chinese community sharing a common cultural background. Those frustrations happened since 2020 are collectively mirrored, recorded and materialized through this labor-intensive work. It not only aims to challenge the idea of technological progress as democratic liberation but also to communicate with the constrained, fragile, and overwhelmed state of mind as an isolated individual imprisoned in a Foucauldian panopticon.

Foucault was fascinated by Jeremy Bentham’s model of the ideal prison - the Panopticon, which is comprised of a ring of cells surrounding a central guard tower. The prisoners in the cells are perpetually exposed to the gaze of the guards in the tower. Yet since they cannot see into the tower, they are never certain whether they are being watched. There are no guards and no prisoners in this virtual Panopticon. We are both guards and prisoners, watching and being watched, as we live on.