





Author: Moham (Zheng) Wang

Lost Island is a distinctive photography series by artist Mona (Mofei) Leau. Unlike the artist's other works that focus on family, society, and self, this series turns to the relationship between humans and nature. Through sensitive captures of a series of elements, life, figures, and landscapes during winter, it engages deeper themes such as death, time, and the objective world. Rather than being a realistic depiction of natural scenery, this series is an abstract self-narrative about universal themes, which also resonate through the artist's other works, forming an echo.

Among these elements, water and plant/wood are the most important parts, relating to the artist's understanding and perception of self—as an individual with a wood and water element in the Chinese philosophy of the Five Elements (Wu Xing), the artist is also attentive to these elements beyond philosophy and religion. However, it is not limited to a natural demonstration of this aspect. Water and plant/wood, like blood vessels, connect different regional landscapes, introducing a dynamic structure into the static; but deep within life, water symbolizes the flow of time, and the plant is cut, exposed, and frozen in a frigid backdrop symbolizing death, offering the observer space for reflection and contemplation, which prepared for the flow again in the spring.

Finally, the title of this series seems to point to broader traditions and geographies, reminding one of the American traditions of "nature photography" and "nature writing." At the same time, the North American continent, as a "new" continent that was "discovered," can also be seen as a "lost island" in a sense. As both a participant and an outsider in this "new" landscape, the artist brings a brand-new personal perspective to observing North American society. These fragments of images are merely piecing together the plates and silhouettes of this continent, constantly colliding, moving, and combining within the observer's emotions, forming new meanings. Therefore, this kind of being "lost" is also subjective and can be seen as “lost” in a certain objective fate, pointing to the common fate of humans and plants— the cycle of life and death.